Incentive Based Waste Management System

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Santosh S. Patil


In present world, waste management is a challenging task for cities to make it as clean and smart city, especially creates a mess of problems due to increase in population and urbanization. Generally, people are demotivated and careless during segregation of waste and do not take necessary actions in managing it, which results to unhygienic condition for the family as well as the people around the city resulting people to fall ill due to various diseases.

To overcome the above problem, we propose an incentive based waste management system which learns from the waste segregated by people on day to day basis and based on the segregated waste, an incentive is fixed and recorded on to a public ledger which can be globally verified and rebated when needed by the people.  The system needs to be transparent to people and to municipalities which can be achieved by defining a Blockchain based system, the records of each family residing in an area can be stored in blocks, identified uniquely by an ID which can be later used for various purposes.

Based on the data stored in blocks, concerned authorities can take appropriate actions from their place and have an information about the entire area monitored through some GUI or through the portal. With the help of the above system, we could easily manage and keep a record an amount of waste area wise as well as proper actions could be taken to reduce the amount of waste.

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How to Cite
Santosh S. Patil. Incentive Based Waste Management System. J. Int. Acad. Phys. Sci. [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 15 [cited 2024 May 16];25(1):223-9. Available from: