Gain Enhancement Study of Nanomaterial AlGaAs/GaAs Under GRINLs

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Pyare Lal


This newly research paper has a critical contribution in the investigation of the gain enhancement study of nanomaterial
AlGaAs/GaAs type heterogeneous structure under the various number of GRINLs (Graded Refractive Index Nano Layers). Various spectral performance of modal type gain with photonic wavelengths under number of GRINLs for nanomaterial AlGaAs/GaAs type heterogeneous structures have been illustrated. The behaviours of changes in peak modal type gain and peak gain compression with several type of number of GRINLs have also been presented graphically. Moreover, the parameters like anti-guiding type factor and change in index of refraction versus charge carriers per cube cm have been calculated. The achieved modal type gain results correspondence to maximum modal type light gain of wavelengths (~830nm) for lasing phenomenon have an essential contribution in current days for the applications of EM radiations (SWIR and NIR) as well as this type wavelength range has been also useful in fibre optic telecommunications by the method ofTIR with diminished losses and attenuations in db/km of light signals.

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How to Cite
Pyare Lal. Gain Enhancement Study of Nanomaterial AlGaAs/GaAs Under GRINLs. J. Int. Acad. Phys. Sci. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 15 [cited 2024 Sep. 20];24(04):485-91. Available from: